Second-grade students decided to take their famous American reports to the next level. After using their Chromebooks to research a variety of famous Americans including Betsy Ross, Rosa Parks, Jessie Owens and Abraham Lincoln, Mrs. Huguley's class wrote mini reports. This was informative, but they wanted to add a twist of fun. The students decided to draw portraits of their famous people...and make them talk with an iPad app called Chatterpix. This took a lesson on point of view to a new level! Each student took a picture of his/her illustration using the iPad, drew a mouth on it with their finger, and added his/her voice to create a "living" book report. The students thought it would be a nice touch to create QR codes linked to each video and hang them beside their hand-drawn portraits so others could learn and enjoy these projects with a quick scan of the code. This project took normal book reports and transformed them into a living museum that is both informative and engaging. Good job students!

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